Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Buddha at the Gas Pump (BatGap) is the most popular non-sectarian spiritual podcast out there. Rick Archer, the host, has interviewed nearly 500 teachers, academics, scholars, monks, gurus and leaders in the space of spirituality and meditation.

Last week I had the pleasure of being one of his guests.

If you are only interested in secular meditation, and not on spirituality, then this interview is not for you. Otherwise, I think you might enjoy it—it struck a chord for many people.

We talked about:

  • My spiritual journey through the traditions of Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta, and Yoga—including my awakening with Mooji
  • Levels of enlightenment, the “maturity bias” of the masters, and the value of the gradual path
  • The models of enlightenment of the Buddha and Shankara
  • Spiritual bypassing
  • The pitfalls of neo-advaita and “radical nonduality”
  • Do all spiritual paths indeed lead to the same goal?
  • Earning a living as a meditation teacher
  • The taboo on psychic phenomena and siddhis

Here are related articles on LiveAndDare that expand on the concepts discussed:

If you would like my one-on-one support on your spiritual journey, consider private coaching.

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