Here is a selection of testimonials I have received from my readers, podcast listeners, Insight Timer followers, and course students.

There are hundreds of testimonials like this, and continue to receive them on an almost daily basis—this is what keeps me going with my work. Here I have included screenshots of emails, comments, and posts that represent some of the most inspiring feedback I’ve received.

The surnames, emails, and other identifying information have been blurred for privacy.

Book Testimonials

How do you feel about this book?

How has this book helped you?

What is special about this book?

Who would you recommend this book for, and why?

Full testimonials

Blog Testimonials

LiveAndDare blog testimonial 16

LiveAndDare blog testimonial 8

LiveAndDare blog testimonial 3

Also, the reader Allen Wei (blogger of researched hundreds of meditation blogs included LiveAndDare as the second most influential blog on meditation on the web!

Newsletter Testimonials

The newsletter, which is weekly/fortnightly bite-sized reflections for better living, is also being well received. Here are some specific replies to those:

LiveAndDare newsletter testimonials 1

✓ LiveAndDare newsletter testimonials 5

✓ LiveAndDare newsletter testimonials 2

Meditation Coaching Testimonials

Coaching Testimonial 8

Quora Answers on Meditation

I’ve answered nearly 400 questions in Quora on Meditation and related topics. And much of it got a lot of praise.

As a result, I’m the most viewed writer in the categories of MeditationMeditation PracticesTranscendental Meditation, and Relaxation. Second most viewed writer in the category of Vipassana.

Guided Meditation Testimonials

Finally, here are some of the feedback for the guided meditations:

Guided meditations testimonials 2

Meditation Course Testimonials

The main testimonials for my beginner’s course are in the course info page.

Here are just some screenshots from the comments of students, in the private forum of the course:

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